At-Home Foot Care for Dancers

On top of maintaining physical, mental, and emotional health, foot maintenance should be a top priority for dancers. Dancers juggle classes, auditions, rehearsals, and performances on a consistent basis. With a life like that, having strong and healthy feet can help prevent pain, soreness, and injuries. 

However, maintaining a consistent foot care regimen might be difficult for dancers. They are notoriously busy and may not always have time to give their feet undivided attention. Additionally, costs for lessons, travel, and dance supplies can quickly outrank foot care when making dance investments. When foot care seems just out of reach, an at-home treatment could be just the answer! Below, we’ve outlined some tips to give yourself a relaxing pedicure at home. 

Always remember: for professional treatment or advice, consult your doctor or meet with a podiatrist. 

At-Home Foot Care for Dancers

Gather your supplies.

Before you can begin your pedicure, you should make sure you have all of your supplies within reach. Once you start soaking your feet, you won’t want to have to stand or walk around. Typically, you’ll need the following tools to perform a healing at-home pedicure:

  • Foot bath

  • Pumice stone

  • Bath salts

  • Essential oils

  • Nail grooming tools

  • Foot cream/body butter

  • Towel and washcloth

  • Paper towel

Related: Healing Crystals for Dancers

Create a relaxing atmosphere.

Find a quiet room to use that will provide you with the peace you need for full-body relaxation. Light candles if you want. Have a cold glass of water nearby. You’ll be sitting for a while, so here are some ideas for something pleasurable to help you sit still while you soak:

  • Put on a show or movie

  • Listen to music

  • Read a book 

  • Call a friend

  • Listen to an audiobook or podcast

  • Meditate

  • Use a face mask

Soak your feet.

Soaking your feet in warm water will relax your muscles and improve your circulation. Check to make sure your water is at a comfortable temperature. Add Epsom salt to your water to increase muscle relaxation. Essential oils, like lavender oil, offer aromatherapeutic benefits. 

Use a pumice stone to gently rub any calluses that are causing you pain. Be sure not to fully remove them! Calluses form to protect your feet while dancing. Removing them could cause you discomfort when you dance again because your feet will be too tender.

Massage, moisturize, and treat.

After you soak and dry your feet, work out any soreness with a foot massage. Rub the balls of your feet, between your toes, your arch, and your ankles. For spots that need more attention, place a tennis ball or something similar between your foot and the floor, rolling your foot over it as you apply pressure. 

Clip your toenails in a straight line, keeping them short. Treat your blisters by carefully draining them (if necessary), adding a healing ointment, and wrapping them in sterile tape or a band-aid. Next, choose the perfect moisturizer for your feet, depending on your needs. Some examples that are fairly easy to find are:

  • Aloe vera and cocoa butter for healing

  • Shea Butter for moisture

  • Muscle relaxing cream for added relaxation

Your feet should now feel relaxed and at ease. Feel free to take a few minutes to softly stretch them. You can even elevate them for a few minutes by propping them onto a pillow. Whatever you decide, give yourself and your feet as much time as possible to fully soak in the relaxation of your foot bath.

Do you have tips for at-home foot care? Tell us in the comments below!