Advice for Our Younger Dance Selves

From wearing costumes to piling Thanksgiving plates sky-high and basking in the anticipation of Christmas day, the holidays tend to bring out the child in us all. In October, we took advantage of this holiday season phenomenon by focusing our Brown Ballerina Blog on topics our younger selves would have loved to learn about. We discussed overcoming fear, embracing an introverted personality, and the importance of trying out different things

We even asked our featured ballerinas to tell us one piece of dance advice they wish they could tell their younger selves. Here’s what they said:

Photo: Mia Watkins; shot by Ally Day Photography

“I would tell my younger self to not be easily discouraged and to never compete with anyone except yourself. Dancers often get frustrated when they cannot perform new skills and you have to remember that everything takes practice.” - Mia Watkins

Related: Brown Ballerina Ambassador Mia Watkins Reflects on Maintaining Professionalism Under Pressure

Photo: Alyssia Duda; shot by Lenore Duda

“I would tell my younger self to be confident and always show my artistry.” - Alyssia Duda

Related: Dreaming Big with Brown Ballerina Ambassador Alyssia Duda

Photo: Quincy Thomas; shot by Tilly Nelson

“Don’t worry about what others think. It’s great to be unique!” - Quincy Thomas

Related: Building Confidence with Brown Ballerina Ambassador Quincy Thomas

Photo: Nia Manson; shot by Patrice Manson

“I would tell my younger dance self to be more patient with myself and to trust the process. I would tell myself that I am beautiful both inside and out. I would tell myself that a solo does not determine how great of a dancer I am. I am great with and without a solo.” - Nia Manson

Related: Brown Ballerina Ambassador Nia Manson Reflects on Overcoming Audition Anxiety

While we may not be able to go back in time, we can always reflect on our journey and share wisdom with younger generations. Tell us, what’s one thing you’d tell your younger self if you could?