Simple Ways to Express Gratitude to your Dance Support System

It’s Thanksgiving week, which can mean many things: gathering with family, enjoying a home-cooked meal, having a break from school or work, or simply soaking up the cozy holiday season vibes. In the midst of all of your holiday joy, don’t forget to take a moment to embrace what Thanksgiving is really about: showing gratitude for the things and people you are thankful for.

As you reflect on your dance journey this year, there are people who will come to mind who've helped propel you towards achieving your goals. Even when times may have seemed rough, there’s always been someone by your side, supporting you and your goals in some way. 

Keep reading to learn who we think you should have on your “thank you” list this year, along with 8 creative and affordable ways to show your appreciation for them!

Who to Thank

Your Family

No matter how effortless they may make it seem, your family’s support requires a large amount of commitment and sacrifice. Think about who drives you to and from your dance lessons - let alone who pays for them. Attending your performances, ensuring you have all of your supplies, and respecting your need to prioritize dance or rest are all things your family does to help support your dance journey. 

Your Teachers

Passionate, organized, and dedicated, your teachers have chosen to share their knowledge of dance to help you perfect your craft. Many teachers are underpaid for the work that they do. They may even go out of their way to find resources for you, including going as far as spending their own time or money. 

Your Friends

Who listens to you vent about the audition you didn’t nail, or your anxiety about a big performance? Who do you hang out with when you need to unwind from a stressful week, always leaving you feeling refreshed and joyful? Your friends are your chosen family, and good friends are priceless. It’s important to show them how much you appreciate them being in your life..

Your Peers

When you look around you, there are dozens of dancers who share your passion, drive, and dreams in dance. These could be members of your dance team or classmates. Your peers keep you motivated, inspired, and help you feel like you belong. 

Studio Owners & Staff

Running a business is no easy feat, especially in the creative industry. That studio that makes you feel at home? Behind every studio is a team working tirelessly to keep it up and running, ensuring it has the funds and resources needed to provide the services you enjoy. 


When you find a good mentor, you’ve found someone to guide you through the ins and outs of your dance journey. By sharing their wisdom, expertise, and network, your mentor is pouring into you because they believe in you! No matter how knowledgeable they are, they are still human, still figuring things out for themselves. Paving the way for you out of the goodness of their heart is something to be very grateful for. 

Other People to Thank

Is there anyone or anything else that helped you feel more connected to your dance dream this year? Perhaps it was an organization that supported you, or a media company that published an interview with you. There may even be people who inspire you and have made a difference in your way of thinking, even if you don’t personally know each other.

Why do these people do all of these things for you? Because you’re worth it! Your talent and dedication is something they believe in and want to invest in! In return, you can easily show your gratitude by using any of the ideas listed below. 

How to Show Gratitude

Thoughtful cards

Do you have a lot of people to thank? Buy a pack of blank cards and write a custom, thoughtful note in each of them. The gesture may seem small, but could make a huge impact in someone’s day.

Small gifts

In our very own shop, we have a great selection of BGDB-branded items for less than $10. Check them out here. You can also go to your local dollar store and gather up some inexpensive knick knacks, like decorative mugs or a small piece of holiday decor.

A memorable photo

Printing a photo costs less than $1, and you can find a very cheap frame to put it in (or make your own using thick cardboard paper). Find a photo of you and the person you want to thank and give it to them for a sweet keepsake. 

Social media tribute

Nowadays, a heartfelt social media post is a common way to show appreciation for someone. You can share a collection of memorable photos along with a sweet message about how much you are grateful for them. People love sharing these posts on their own feed. 

Support their business

If the person you want to thank has a small business, it can go a long way to purchase something from them, or just donate to their business. You can also support them as the business owner with a gift card to their favorite coffee shop, office supplies, or something similar. 

Shoutout their business

Again, simple gestures go a long way for business owners. Shout out your studio, mentor, or supportive organization by sharing more about them on your social media page. 

Share an opportunity 

Does your friend want to try out a pottery class but can’t afford it, or is your classmate looking for a new job? Take a few moments to search online for some companies that may be hiring, or discounts on pottery lessons. Share the info to show that you’re thinking of them, and you care about their interests and desires. 

Just say thanks!

Sometimes, the best way to thank someone is to simply say it! Pick up the phone and give them a call. Send an email, or a quick text message thanking them for any help they’ve provided. Sometimes, the sweetest thing is to just say, “thank you for being you.”

Remember, acknowledging those who’ve helped you along the way not only shows your humility, but it also keeps people uplifted and inspired in their own lives!

Want another quick and easy way to give thanks? Shout someone out in the comments below!