Creating a Vision Board

The New Year always brings a fresh start along with a strong air of motivation to map out new habits, goals, and routines. Usually, though, as the excitement wears off, those habits start falling by the wayside. Unless you’re extremely disciplined, driven, and unmoved by life’s obstacles, it’s common to start drifting away from your goals as the year progresses. Even when this drifting happens, you can still stay on track to achieving your goals by using the power of visualization and the law of attraction.

Visualization is a form of manifestation that explores the idea of putting concrete goals in your mind to slowly help them come true with time. The law of attraction is the belief that what you think is what will become your reality. For example, if you constantly think negatively, you are likely to experience negative outcomes. On the other hand, positive thoughts and words will attract positivity into your life.

Creating a vision board is a fun and simple way to pair these two concepts, resulting in consistent reinforcement of positivity and reminders of the desired outcomes in your life.

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Before creating your vision board, take a moment to reflect on what it is you hope to manifest. What goals did you set for yourself last year? Did you achieve them? What habits worked in your favor, and what habits do you hope to change? What other changes in your life do you feel you need to make in the upcoming year? 

As you map out your new year’s goals, you might want to consider listing them in different categories (i.e. health, career, family, fitness, love, wealth, spiritual, home, and personal development). Of course, you can tailor these categories to what’s important in your own life. Another way to reflect on potential goals is to focus on one theme. For example, you may want to create a board solely focused on dance. In that event, your categories may include: supplies, auditions, training, fitness, connections, etc. If you don’t have a specific theme in mind, just think of your aspirations in general. Write everything down, no matter how simple or silly it may seem! 

Create your Vision Board

In order to piece your vision board together, you’ll need to gather crafting supplies - including a poster board, tape, scissors, and glue. Add a personal spin to your vision board with glitter, markers, colored pencils, and more. You’ll also need a bunch of magazines, newspapers, and photos that can be cut up.

Once you’ve gathered all of your supplies, it’s time to have some fun! Flip through your magazines and cut out any images, words, or quotes that represent your goals. Be specific! For example, if one of your goals is to buy a new pair of ballet pointe shoes, find a photo of the shoes you want. Use your markers to write confidence-boosting affirmations on your vision board. Consider creating your vision board with friends (at a safe distance, of course). You will have a blast discussing your goals with one another.

Hang it Up

Once you’ve finished your vision board, it’s important to put it somewhere where you can see it every single day. Find a high-traffic area in your bedroom, such as near your bed, a mirror, or your closet. These areas work well because you can be reminded of your goals as soon as you wake up or while you get dressed. Want to take your goals on the go? Take a photo of your vision board and save it as your phone’s background.

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Remember that a vision board is not a guarantee that your goals will be achieved. Over time, your goals may shift. On the other hand, it may take years to achieve some of the goals on your vision board. The vision board is simply a tool to help you stay on the right path to accomplish your goals by using the law of attraction and visualization. No matter what you put on there, you’ll ultimately still need to do the work!

Don’t forget to tag us on Instagram in your vision board creations or share your goals in the comments below. 

Have a safe and joyful New Year!